
Once upon a time there was a pony named Rainbow Dash, she was an amazing flyer, her dream was to get into the wonder bolts! She was gonna go to a party tomorrow, they were gonna perform! She was practicing and practicing! Flying and Flying! Studying and studying! She stayed up all night practicing. I know it's to believe but, she was nervious! She finally went to the party the next day, she ate cake, listened to music, danced, and sang, finally they all sat down in the crowd, waiting and waiting, finally they came! Then Rainbow noticed something, Fluttershy was with them! After a while they were done performing, then Rainbow Dash went up to Fluttershy and asked, "Hey, how did you make it into the wonder bolts?" She said, "I said please!" This is how the story ends, oh ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                      The End!!!!!!!

Pinkie Pies Wild Party!

                                    Once upon a time there was a pony named pinkie pie, she loved to party! One day she was gonna throw a party for a professional! She told every pony! They were all so very excited! She stayed up all night planning the party, getting party hats, planning awesome games! she was exhausted! Finally every pony arrived! They all hid and...... BOOM! The door got kicked open! It was.....Rainbow Dash! She was the professional?Pinkie Pie asked Rainbow " You're the professional at parties?" She answered,"No, but I am the professional at flying!" Pinkie said," I ordered a 
up, she was there all along, her name was Pinkie Pie!
                                                                                    The End!!!!!!!!!!

Rarity's hit outfits!

                               Once upon a time there was a pony named Rarity, she loved to design!  One time she was gonna make an outfit for a super star, she made the outfits, used special diamonds! She stayed up all night sewing and sewing, stitching and stitching! She stayed up all night doing this! Making shoes and accessories also special items for their mane. 
It was the next day when she found out other people made outfits,too.
She was there with her models and she thought the super star was looking at her designs and heard her say this is ugly! Finally she found out she won and got to have lunch with the super star! It was the best day ever!
                                                 The End!

Apple Jack's Apple Bucking


                         Once upon a time there was a pony named Apple Jack, she loved apple bucking! One time she had to knock down all the apples off the trees bye here self! 
She caused so much trouble! She was so tired! Twilight tried convincing her that she needed help!
She said,"No, No, No!" 
She went through a lot of hard times without help!
Twilight told her one last time and she said.........YES!!!! 
Apple Jack felt so much better with their help!
Sometimes she really needs help but it's so hard for her to except it!

                                                The End!

Twilight Sparkle's Reading Contest

                                                 Once upon a time there was a pony named Twilight Sparkle, 
She loves to READ! One time her mail came and a reading contest flyer came into the mailbox.
When she saw it she was so happy! She signed an entrance form.
She sent it to the librarians ruling the contest.
Finally the contract came and she was in!
At the contest she was one of  the last people there! Guess what,...... She LOST!
She was very upset, then she noticed it was alright, she just entered the contest for fun!

                                          The End!

Fluttershy's Animals on the run

                                             Once upon a time there was a pony named Fluttershy,
all the critters loved her! She owned a zoo.
One time Twilight Sparkle came to visit and accidentally  let all the animals out, 
every pony thought it was entertaining to watch! 
Then they noticed all the horror finally Fluttershy brought all the animals safely home!\
                                                The End

Nightmare Moon

                            Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria there was two regal sisters who ruled together. And created harmony for all the land. To do this the elder sister used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn! The young brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different kinds of ponies .But as time went on the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her sister brought forth, but shunned and slept in her beautiful night.One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to make way for the dawn. the elder sister tried to reason with her,but the bitterness in the young ones heart transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness, Nightmare Moon! She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night! Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic know to ponydom! The elements of harmony! Using the magic of the elements of harmony, she defeated her younger sister and vanished him permenetly in the moon! The elder sister took on responsibilty for both sun and moon!


The help of Equestria

                                                     Once upon a time there was a land called Equestria,the princess of that land is princess Celestia. One time, when princess Celestia was writing a letter to Twilight Sparkle, a huge cloud of smoke came into her castle! Then she fainted. The royal guards came and tried everything they could but she wouldn't wake up. Once everypony came in they were all crowding around her. Then Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbowdash, Apple Jack,and Pinkie Pie all found out they all got a vision of Twilight Sparkle helping princess Celestia out and using magic! They tried to convince Twilight Sparkle to help but they left out the part about the vision. She said no. They kept convincing her without the vision. She said no, no ,no. Then when they went to convince her again she stopped them and asked, "Why do you want me to help so badly?" They started to lie about it but then they stopped and explained the truth about the vision. She said, "Why didn't you tell me?" They all said at the same time, " We thought ummm..... that you would just help!" They all just realized  they were in the hot air balloon and just stopped at the Canderlot castle. Twilight Sparkle used her horn and the light on the horn was HUGE!! Princess Celestia woke up and they told her the story. She was so proud of them that they had a big group hug!


The Pony Named Derpy Who Always Causes Trouble

                                                                               Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there was a pony named Derpy. She always caused trouble! She thought ponies hated her;
and she thought right! Whenever she tried to get ponies to like her, they just hated her even more! She was horrified, all she wanted to do was kill herself! She just new committing suicide was wrong. One day she ran away into the Ever Free Forest. She heard loud screaming and animals growling, she had no clue what the hay was happening. She was walking as the screams and growls got .
"That means I'm getting closer!" she said. 
Then her ears almost fell off it was so loud! She found out that the noise was coming from a cave! 
She quietly went into the cave and there, she saw two ponies named Snow Catcher and Sunny Rayz in the cave. They both said,"Oh no, Derpy's gonna ruin it for us and we're gonna die!"
Derpy just said to herself,"This is my one and only chance for them not to hate me."  She sprinted up to them and for some reason she started to glow, like magic! That caused the earths a major to vanish and everyone in Equestria fell in love with her ever since!


The Ruler of Princess Celestia (part 1)
                                                 Once upon a time there was  a princess pony named Princess Celestia.
Everyone bowed to her, of course she's the princess! One night she went into her bed and she heard a voice say I will ruuule over yooou! She got so scared that she went to go get her royal guards.
She sent a letter  to Twilight Sparkle. 

At the library, where Twilight lives, spike was sound asleep and when the letter came, he was screaming so loud that it almost woke everyone in Pony Vile up!  Of course, Rarity came in of a complaint that she didn't get her beauty sleep! Rainbow Dash crashed into Twilight's library!
Pinkie Pie bounced into the library! Apple Jack just simply ran into the library! Flutter Shy and her 
animals crowded around in the library! And so on, and so on!
Twilight explained the whole thing of the letter and spike's scream. Then she just yelled out loud,"NOW I'M TRYING TO READ THIS LETTER!!!!!!!!" They all just said okay. She read the letter and it said,"Twilight Sparkle! Will you and your friends please use the elements of harmony to
save me! A ruler is trying to rule over me! It's up to  you ponies to save me. I'm counting on you!
Come to the castle as soon as you can! I'll be waiting" 

The Ruler of Princess Celestia (part2)

       Where was I??? Oh yea!!! So Twilight quickly got the elements of harmony then the six ponies and one dragon were on their way (in a hot air balloon)  to save princess Celestia! Everyone was silent when all all the sudden  Pinkie started saying," Are we there yet? Because I can't wait to see all the beautiful ponies walking with there heads up!!!! Have you noticed how they always walk with their heads up?" Oh, that's not all she said! she said so much, I can't say it all! And don't forget, she talked fast and loud! 

At last they arived to the castle! Twilight grabbed the elements of harmony and the ponies did their thing as Spike stood there amazed! He had never seen something as magical as this!! At least they got to save the day! More importantly, they had fun and no one faught!
